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Manzamou ( Manzamou )

Okinawa Coast National Park located in Onna Village, Okinawa Prefecture. It is famous for its cliffs that resemble the shape of an elephant.

The beauty of the landscape was named by the Ryukyu Dynasty as "Mao enough for all to sit on".

It is a spectacular spot where you can see the precipitous cliffs and the crystal-clear sea from a high point.

A new tourist building opened in October 2020. Visitors can now purchase souvenirs and have a meal.


Location and Directions

About 1 hour and 20 minutes by car from Naha Airport.

Yui RailParking place
No stationFree of charge

Open with GoogleMaps

Markers indicate the location of sights, entrances to sights, parking lot entrances, and other locations suitable for different sights.

Official Site