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Daiichi Makishi Kousetsu Ichiba ( Daiichi makishi kousetsu ichiba )

A market that handles a variety of Okinawan foodstuffs. You can eat food directly from the production area on the spot.

In addition to seafood, meats, vegetables, and fruits, they also sell processed products such as island tofu and seasonings.

The second floor is a dining area where you can enjoy a variety of meals.

You can also have food purchased at the market store cooked in the cafeteria, allowing you to enjoy fresh ingredients right away.


Location and Directions

About 5 minutes on foot from Makishi Station. About 15 minutes on foot from Miebashi Station.

Yui RailParking place
Makishi StationCoin-operated parking available nearby
2-10-1 Matsuo, Naha City, Okinawa

Open with GoogleMaps

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Official Site