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Kokusaidouri ( Kokusaidori )

The largest entertainment district in Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture, with 1.5 km of stores selling souvenirs and local specialties, restaurants, etc.

Developed quickly after the war, it is also known as the "miracle mile" because it is only about a mile long.

In addition to various souvenir stores, there are various restaurants, cafes, tapioca stores, taverns, bars, etc., and the area is crowded with people from morning until late at night.

Kokusai-dori is connected to a number of side streets and lanes, such as Ukishima-dori, Okiage-dori, Heiwa-dori, and Tsuboya-yachimun-dori, each with its own unique atmosphere.

On Sunday afternoons, the street becomes a transit mall (pedestrian paradise) where various events are held, such as eisa and mini live performances.

Kokusai-dori is a symbol of Okinawa's recovery and continues to change day by day. If you want to experience the charm of Okinawa, you can't miss the Kokusai-dori neighborhood.


Location and Directions

A few minutes walk from Kencho-mae Station, Miebashi Station, and Makishi Station.

Yui RailParking place
Kencho-mae Station, Miebashi Station, Makishi StationCoin-operated parking available nearby

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Markers indicate the location of sights, entrances to sights, parking lot entrances, and other locations suitable for different sights.

Official Site