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Shuri Castle ( Shuri jou )

Shuri Castle 1

The largest building of the Ryukyu Dynasty, built during the Ryukyu Dynasty and used as a royal residence. It is known as a historical and cultural symbol of Okinawa.

Shuri Castle is heavily influenced by Chinese castle-building culture, and its style differs from other Japanese castles in other prefectures in that the buildings are painted in vermilion with lacquer and Ryukyu tiles are used for roof tiles.

At the time, the castle was used as a political and military base, as well as a sacred place where rituals were held.

In addition to the Shurijo Castle, many other historical buildings and their ruins can be found in Shurijo Park.

Shuri Castle is an important cultural heritage site in Okinawa and is listed as a World Heritage Site.

In 2019, the majority of the castle was destroyed by fire.

It is now partially off-limits.


Location and Directions

About 45 minutes drive from Naha Airport.

Yui RailParking place
Shuri Stationtoll parking lot
1-2 Shuri Kinjo-cho, Naha City, Okinawa

Open with GoogleMaps

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Official Site