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Kudaka Island ( Kudaka jima )

Kudaka Island 1

A sacred island where Amamikiyo, the goddess who is believed to be the founder of the Ryukyu Islands, is said to have descended from. The island is said to be connected to Niraikanai (the other world, the world of the gods).

It is a power spot with many Utaki (sacred sites).

There are beaches on the island, and activities such as jet skiing and diving are available. There are no convenience stores, but there are stores where you can do some shopping.

Accommodations are also available for visitors to enjoy a relaxing resort experience.

Since the beach is a natural beach, there are no anti-jellyfish nets or lifeguards; this should be noted.

Transportation to Kudaka Island is by ferry from Azama Port on the main island, which takes about 20 minutes to land, making it possible to visit the island on a day trip. Cars can use the parking lot at Azama Port.


Location and Directions

Approximately 1 hour by car from Naha Airport to Ajama Port. From Ajama Port, take a 20-minute ferry ride.

Yui RailParking place
No stationFree parking available at the port

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Official Site