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Ganghala Valley ( Gangara no tani )

A subtropical forest in the southern part of the main island. It is believed to be an area inhabited by Minatogawa people (original people who are believed to have lived in Okinawa).

It is also a sacred area with many places of worship.

Visitors can stroll on foot through the forest, which is home to banyan trees and other unique subtropical creatures.

To enter the Valley of Gangara, a guided tour is required. Tours must be reserved and can be done through the website.

There is also a cafe at the entrance to the facility called the Cave Cafe.

The cafe makes use of the natural limestone caves as they are, allowing visitors to enjoy a unique atmosphere not found in other cafes.


Location and Directions

Approximately 30 minutes by car from Naha Airport. Approximately 1 hour by bus from Naha Bus Terminal.

Yui RailParking place
No stationFree of charge
202 Maekawa, Tamagusuku, Nanjo City, Okinawa, Japan

Open with GoogleMaps

Markers indicate the location of sights, entrances to sights, parking lot entrances, and other locations suitable for different sights.

Official Site