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Gyokusendo ( Gyokusendou )

Gyokusendo 1

A natural limestone cave that stretches underground in southern Okinawa Prefecture. It is designated as a national natural monument.

It is a long limestone cave with a total length of about 5 km, of which about 800 m can be enjoyed for its beautiful shapes and colors.

It is believed to have been formed about 300,000 years ago, and is lined with numerous stalactites that have been created over a long period of time.

The number of stalactites in a row is said to total more than one million.

The limestone caves have been created over a long period of time and are valued as valuable geological resources.

Gyokusendo is attached to Okinawa World, and both can be visited at the same time.


Location and Directions

Approximately 30 minutes by car from Naha Airport. Approximately 1 hour by bus from Naha Bus Terminal.

Yui RailParking place
No stationFree of charge
1336 Maekawa, Tamagusuku, Nanjo City, Okinawa, Japan

Open with GoogleMaps

Markers indicate the location of sights, entrances to sights, parking lot entrances, and other locations suitable for different sights.

Official Site