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Okinawa World ( Okinawa World )

Okinawa World 1

A theme park dealing with the nature and culture of Okinawa.

Visitors can enjoy a variety of activities around a street that recreates the streets of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

Ryukyu glass making, indigo dyeing, paper milling, Ryukyu costume dressing, eisa shows, etc. Many souvenir stores.

Visitors can also enjoy various facilities such as the Habu Hakubutsu Park, which displays snakes and reptiles, the Tropical Fruit Garden, where tropical fruit trees can be seen, and a sake brewery named Nanto Sake Brewery.

It is adjacent to the Gyokusen Cave, and both can be visited at the same time.


Location and Directions

About 30 minutes by car from Naha Airport. Approximately 1 hour by bus from Naha Bus Terminal.

Yui RailParking place
No stationFree of charge
1336 Maekawa, Tamagusuku, Nanjo, Okinawa

Open with GoogleMaps

Markers indicate the location of sights, entrances to sights, parking lot entrances, and other locations suitable for different sights.

Official Site