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former naval command shelter ( Kyuu kaigun sireibu gou )

former naval command shelter 1

A command shelter (air-raid shelter) dug by the Imperial Japanese Navy Establishment in 1944, during the war.

Built to defend Oroku Airfield (now Naha Airport).

It was an underground camp to continue the fight against the U.S. forces and housed as many as 4,000 Japanese soldiers at the time.

Currently, some areas have been developed for sightseeing and visitors can enter the interior of the bunker.

It is possible to visit the command center, the operation room, and the medical room of those days.

There is also a museum where war-related materials and artifacts found in the bunker are on display.

It is one of the most valuable facilities that preserves the conditions of the war.


Location and Directions

About 15 minutes drive from Naha Airport.

Yui RailParking place
No stationFree of charge
236 Aza-Toyomigusuku, Toyomigusuku, Okinawa

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